Maaike Keizer-Gankema: Fighting Fit in the DQ

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 By Maryann Maguire

If you’ve seen Maaike Keizer-Gankema around the corner, it’s probably on a bike, running around yielding a hockey stick or leading a fitness class in the park.

The Dutch career diplomat is fast earning the reputation of being one of the most active people in the Diplomatic Quarter. Since arriving in Riyadh from Istanbul with her husband Jeroen, and three children Julia, Samuel and Anna-Sophie, she has shared her passion for sports by creating fun opportunities to stay fit.

One of her most successful ventures has been a bootcamp ladies class that she runs in one of the parks three times a week. The class is for all levels and attracts Ambassadors wives and international au pairs alike. She has also started to train diplomats in embassies and coaches hockey for children and adults at the British International School and Al Bustan.

“When I arrived, I realized how little there was available”, she says. “I wanted to do something outside, that was a group activity and that had a social aspect where people could get together, meet new friends and share a joke”.

“My goal is to challenge people in sports, to see improvements and push them to do better and go further”, she adds. As a former professional hockey player in Rotterdam for eight years, Maaike knows exactly how to get results. And fast.

“The dust, heat and altitude are challenges.” She recommends intensive interval training and organizes her sessions around this concept. “It’s about working smarter, not harder”.

Group exercise is also easier. “I am not into individual sports. I like to motivate each other instead of just working out in a gym or running alone.”

The sports coach also adapts her workouts to her audience. “We are now in the height of the DQ social season, so we are working hard on those arms to look fab in those beautiful ball gowns”, she jokes. “It’s so easy to gain weight in Riyadh. You need to move that body!”

She has also started a specific routine targeting other areas. “Bikini training” has hooked many ladies who complain that their lower body shapes have widened or turned south since arriving in Riyadh.

And what does she make of the DQ? “I love it! I love the trees, the parks and green areas and the mix of nice people coming from so many backgrounds.”

Happy mum makes for a happy family. After Jakarta and Istanbul, they volunteered for a posting to Riyadh after Maaike helped a friend convince his wife to move to Jeddah. “I had done some homework and knew what we were getting into.” After all, her passion is easily transportable and is in many ways a mindset. “If you want to be fit in your mind, you also have to feel fit in your body”, she concludes with a huge smile.

To find out more about Bootcamp DQ and other classes, contact Maaike at or +966-56-8050680.


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