Browsing: Health & Fitness

Stay Fit In The Office

By Angineeki Jones No space and time to exercise? No problem! Turn your office chair into a “fitness equipment” by following these exercises recommended by elite…

Fitness in the DQ

By Maria Cometti You don’t have to search far and wide for gyms, sports complex, fitness centers and classes. They’re all in the DQ! One of…

Water is Life

BY HISSA ALSUDAIRY, MSc, RDN Your path to wellness begins when you fill your body’s water well. Drink up! Many people think that living in the…

Don’t Shun the Sun

BY HISSA ALSUDAIRY, MSc, RDN Get your daily dose of the sunshine vitamin! Riyadh is known as the sun city. We have lots of sunshine around…

Make Healthier Choices

An interview with Dr. Razan Dukmak BY FARIHA FARUK ESHRAT Your dietary habits can have lasting effects on your health, including your risk for cancer. According…

Equestrian Escape

By Naureen Ahmed Where in the world can you see a residential quarter with an equestrian club in its backyard? The Al Aghar Equestrian Club in…

Al Manahil Spa

Return to quiet and reclaim your wondrous energy of life. Al Manahil Spa has been the perfect urban escape for women in the Diplomatic Quarter since…

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