Journey to the Edge

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By Maria Cometti

Sometimes referred to as a “mini Grand Canyon,” the Edge of the World is a rock-framed window with a spectacular view of the Acacia Valley below. Located about 180 kms north east of Riyadh, the close proximity to Riyadh proper and stunning views make Edge of the World a popular tourist destination.

If you are a resident of Riyadh, this is one sight you shouldn’t miss. Only 1.5-2 hours from Riyadh proper, the Edge of the World is part of the Tuwaiq escarpment. According to the Arriyadh City website, the Acacia Valley is part of the old Darb al Hijaz, which ran between Nejd and the Hijaz, using the course of the Wadi Hanifah to cut through the Tuwaiq escarpment. Darb means way and this route was used for centuries by travelers moving east-west across Arabia. The valley has always been heavily cultivated. Consequently, as you are driving to the Edge of the World you will notice many fruit and vegetable stands, a testament to the rich agriculture in the valley.

We recommend visiting the Edge of the World with a licensed tour guide, at least on your first visit. There are no road signs leading to the destination and desert driving takes skill. Try to allot at least 2 hours (not including travel time) to enjoy the place. Many visitors enjoy hiking and having picnics at the Edge of the World. Our excursion departed at 6:30 AM and returned at 1:30pm.

Tips to Remember:

  • The gate for all paths leading into the Edge of the World is closed in the evenings and weekends. Dress in layers and wear proper footwear.
  • Visit the restrooms before going off the main roads.
  • Find out if your tour guide is bringing food and refreshments. If not, you will want to bring plenty of snacks and water.
  • Exercise caution. There are no fences or guardrails.

Registered Tourism agencies offer guided tours to the Edge of the World: Horizon Tours ( Haya Tours (


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