A Bridge Between Saudi Arabia and America

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There are only a few books that inherently bridge Saudi and American Cultures. A Global Nomad in Search of True Happiness is one of them.

The autobiography by Hani Khoja offers a glimpse inside the life of an ambitious and accomplished Saudi entrepreneur. As the son of a diplomat, Khoja grew up between the United States and Saudi Arabia. The book describes his experiences from childhood through his adult life and illustrates how both cultures shaped his identity and values. Khoja is currently working with the Saudi government to help execute the highly regarded Vision 2030.

Many of us who spent our childhoods in the West remember the classic story books by Dr. Seuss and our furry friends on Sesame Street. Not only did these books and shows help Khoja to learn English, they also influenced his early understanding of the world. In one Dr. Seuss classic, The Sneetches, a town’s citizens are divided based on who has a star on their stomach. Even at an early age, Khoja was able to make the connections to segregation and conflict.

Khoja believes that although Saudis and Americans may have different exteriors, they are similar at the core. Being an outsider to both cultures has enabled him to spot the similarities. In attempts to fit in with his classmates in his American school days, he would capitalize on any apparent similarities, such as his love of soccer (football). He does mention however that his attempts to hide his religion, were exhausting. Khoja gives examples of his attempts to conceal the fact that he was fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. He would play soccer (football) during the summer heat and suffer from dehydration. Watching his teammates guzzle Gatorades and suck on cut up oranges was tough but it was easier for him than explaining the fact that he was fasting –especially when bullying was common. But as he grew up and built his confidence, he became more forthright with who he was. And he discovered that many of those around him were ignorant of both cultures. Americans knew very little about Arab and Muslim culture, and Arabs and Muslims knew very little about American culture. What little they did know was driven by extreme views portrayed in the media.

The 9/11 Terrorist attacks had a profound impact on Khoja’s life trajectory. Though strong in his Muslim faith, he didn’t want to be considered an enemy of the US. He didn’t want others to believe that the extremists who killed in the name of Islam represented him or his religion. Khoja pledged to help develop edu-taining (educational content that is also entertaining) content to help Islam and Muslims. After teaming with like-minded individuals, Khoja helped develop Yalla Shabab. The show aired on MBC and brought on experts to engage in discussion. Yalla Shabab encouraged viewers to consider different ideas but ultimately use their own minds and think for themselves. Khoja observed too many preachers simply prescribing remedies to their followers that made little sense in the modern world. Khoja wanted to offer Arab youth an alternative. He wanted to show them that they can have a fun and productive life on earth AND enjoy a great afterlife. One didn’t have to follow Preachers who forced you to choose between life and afterlife.

How can you be God’s “Khalifa”, or agent, here on earth? This is the question that inspires Hani Khoja to live to his potential, and encourage others to do the same. Khoja believes that each of us has been created to make the word a better place and all of us have a unique ability to make a difference. Through self-reflection Hani determined a 5-step formula to living happily, which he details throughout the book.

Khoja’s book takes the reader through many of the social transformations that have taken place in Saudi Arabia over recent decades; from women entering the workplace to the evolution of media. His passion to create cultural understanding and also empower the reader to make the most of his/her God given life, is evident and inspiring. For anyone seeking a better understanding of Saudi culture, Hani Khoja’s “A Global Nomad in Search of True Happiness” is a great place to start.


A Global Nomad in Search of True Happiness by Hani Ibrahim Khoja is available on Amazon Kindle.


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