Water is Life

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Your path to wellness begins when you fill your body’s water well. Drink up!

Many people think that living in the desert poses a huge threat to our water sources. While there have been challenges, there are more achievements. With modernity and innovation, Saudi Arabia has overcome water scarcity with substantial investments in seawater desalination, water distribution, and treatment. The real threat though is with our water consumption. Do you drink enough water to keep you hydrated throughout the day?

Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water. Most of our organs are composed of water! For example, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs with 83% water, our skin has 64% while our muscles and kidneys have 79%. Even our bones are “watery” with 31% water composition. Water is essential for metabolism, digestion, blood pressure, immune system, transport of nutrients, removal of waste, regulation of body temperature and so much more! Staying well-hydrated is clearly vital for us.

Maintaining hydration in hot climates like Saudi Arabia can be a challenge. Studies have shown that losing as little as 2% of body water can impair energy levels, mood, and possibly lead to a significant reduction in memory loss and brain performance. Continuously neglecting the body of water can cause health complications such as constipation, kidney stones, headaches, acne, reduced appetites and other ailments. We are losing water throughout the day therefore, we need to keep our glasses full! How much water we need daily depends on age, weight, activity level, diet, health status and medications. The “always drink 8 glasses of water every day” we’ve followed since we were kids doesn’t apply to everyone. An average person may use the following formula to find out their daily water need:

Weight (kg) x 35-40 milliliters (mL) = Recommended daily water intake

To some, drinking water is a daunting task because of its lack of taste. It’s recommended to add fresh slices of citrus, cucumbers, and herbs to enhance water’s refreshing taste. Apart from drinking water, your daily water needs can be met with the help of water-rich food like broccoli, baby carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, watermelon, spinach, milk, juices, soups, and smoothies. Limit eating foods that are high in sodium: processed food, canned goods, pickled vegetables, cereals, chips, soy sauce, etc. Caffeine is also a dehydrating culprit acting as a diuretic so make sure that before and after your lovely shot of espresso, have a nice sip of water. It’s a must to keep a bottle of water with you during the day. Trendy reusable bottles are all the rave these days. Use that to remind you to drink up!

It’s a no-brainer that we all need plenty of water, unless your brain is malfunctioning because you already lack water! See, dehydration is serious business. In Riyadh, beat the heat, stay cool, and stay hydrated!


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