Top Fitness Influencers in Saudi Arabia

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Hello, fitness enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the dynamic world of fitness and physical wellness in Saudi Arabia? Let’s introduce you to the trailblazers and trendsetters shaping the Saudi fitness landscape!

Yoga Master Hassan Alhajjaj


Hassan got into yoga about seven years back. He started off just reading up on it and trying things out on his own. But as he got more into it, he started following some big names in the global yoga scene. Eventually, he joined a yoga academy. His skills and dedication paid off big time when he snagged the 3rd place in a big international yoga competition. Suddenly, he became a big deal in the Saudi fitness world, with over 999K followers! What really makes him stand out is how he’s pushing the yoga scene forward here, especially since guys doing yoga in Saudi aren’t exactly common. He’s all about keeping up with your workouts and staying consistent. His advice for newbies? Start with a quick 30-minute walk each day to get things rolling.

Workout Planner Hanan Alanazi


The reason why Hanan shines in the fitness world is because she makes workouts fun and doable for everyone while also giving out solid advice that you can trust. She’s even got some predictions about what’s going to be hot in fitness come 2024 – she’s thinking weightlifting and pilates are going to be big. But she’s not just about the workouts – she’s big on setting goals that you can actually hit and being flexible with your fitness journey. She’s all about building up that support network too, telling her followers to join fitness groups and follow uplifting stuff on Instagram. And hey, she’s all for treating yourself every now and then – just as long as you stay on track with your fitness goals overall.

Whether you’re a local seeking inspiration or an expat eager to immerse yourself in the fitness culture of your new home, we’ve got just what you need. From yoga aficionados to weightlifting experts, we’ll introduce you to the foremost Saudi influencers who are guiding us to break a sweat and reach our peak. So, grab your water bottle, lace up those sneakers and let’s explore the world of fitness masters in Saudi Arabia!

Coach Noor Alamrani


Certified and globally recognized for her expertise in helping people reach their fitness goals with a whopping 1M+ follower base, Noor is your go-to fitness guru. All about bringing the best of worldwide fitness trends right to your doorstep here in Saudi, she makes sure her programs are not just effective but also perfectly suited to our local culture and preferences. What really sets her apart is her knack for making fitness accessible to everyone, no matter where they’re starting from. With Noor, it’s all about personalized support and guidance to help you smash those fitness goals, one workout at a time.

Motivational Speaker Haya Sawan


Haya is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to promoting health and wellness in Saudi Arabia. With her inspiring talks and powerful online presence, she’s managed to motivate countless people to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. What makes her message stand out is her emphasis on the power of community support. Haya knows that having a supportive network can make all the difference when it comes to staying on track with your fitness goals. So, if you’re looking for that extra boost of motivation, Haya’s got your back every step of the way.

Powerhouse Abdullah Alrabiah


Abdullah Alrabiah, or Abo Rabiah, isn’t your average bodybuilder – he’s a fitness powerhouse. On his Instagram, he shares his intense workouts, diet tips and motivational messages. Beyond social media, Abdullah is a speaker for Sports for All Federation, inspiring others to embrace a healthier lifestyle. He’s all about sharing his journey and helping others smash their fitness goals. With Abo Rabiah leading the charge, the Saudi fitness scene is stronger than ever!


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