It’s 2021! Have you made your resolutions yet? Are getting fit and losing weight on your list? Here are some tips that can help you reach those goals.
Two of the most common new year’s resolutions are to get fitter and to lose weight, but studies show that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them. The reason being that these statements are too vague and broad. So instead, we need to set specific goals as it give us clarity and actionable steps to our overall intention.
WHAT PEOPLE SAY: I want to lose weight. I want to get fitter.
WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD SAY: I want to get fitter and I will start committing to 3 full body workouts a week. I want to become healthier and I will start by including a portion of vegetables with every meal. I will commit to drinking 2-3 liters of water a day. I want to lose 5 kg of body fat and I will aim to lose 0.1-0.5 kg a week (as this is a healthy rate of weekly fat loss) and I will follow a nutritional and exercise program with a trainer until I reach my goal, and afterwards to help me maintain it.
Now, to fully integrate these specific goals into your daily routine, it is suggested that you add an action to a daily habit you already have. For example:
– going to the gym after work before you go home
– waking up and doing a workout straight away before getting ready for work
– going for a walk after dinner
This way, we develop our existing routine and are more likely to stick with it long term. And when it comes to health, that’s what we want: long term commitment.
Now that your goals are clear and actionable, the next part is for you to show up and commit to them consistently. I cannot stress this enough: the magic you are looking for really does lie in consistency and the journey will most likely not be smooth.
In the beginning, it will be hard to establish and get used to; in the middle, it may get a bit messy and not look so ideal; but in the end, it will be so worth it and your results will be better than you imagined.
To get you on your way, here is a full body HIIT workout for you to do at home.
– 45s Jump Squats
– 45s Wall Sit
– 45s Push Ups into Frog Jump
– 45s Plank
– 45s Crunches
– 45s Reverse Dish
– 45s REST, repeat for 4 rounds

Jump Squats.

Push Ups.

Frog Jumps.

Modifications include: taking out jumps, reducing/increasing time and range of movement depending on your current ability. This will get your muscles on fire! You will get your heart rate up and build strength too.
Head over to my Instagram page, @hannahmeraki, to watch how to do these exercises if you’re unsure. All the best in your new journey, and remember BE CLEAR and KEEP GOING!