Spinning the Wheels of History

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Palavi Kele

An exclusive interview with Ms. Eleanor Coker who was one of the participants at Rally Jameel

Rally Jameel, an initiative by Hassan Abdul Latif Jameel was organized between 17th-19th March 2022 by Bakhashab Motorsports sanctioned by the Saudi Automobile & Motorcycle Federation (SAMF). 34 teams of two-women each participated from across 15 countries with several Saudi women racers. The teams competed for 1100 kms over three days starting from Ha’il via Al Qassim and finishing in Riyadh. 

Most people would associate ‘rally’ with something risky and dangerous. How would you describe your experience?

Rally Jameel was less about the speed and more about navigation skills. You can be a great driver but if you cannot navigate in the desert terrain, you fall behind.  The Jameel course was very safe.

My partner, Atefa and I came from completely different backgrounds with zero rally experience.  We learnt that if you do your homework and work as a team, you can come out stronger and even as winners.  We came in second overall and first in the V6 category.  This was definitively a lifetime experience we will always cherish.

How is the Rally pivotal in empowering women in the Kingdom?

Rally Jameel is the first of its kind all women rally in the region as part of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. It’s open to all women and not just for professional racers. It plays a crucial role in highlighting the change that women can now drive not just on the road but also off the road!

How did you prepare for the Rally with no previous experience in the motorsport?

I am a curious learner and “Why not?” is my mantra. I asked all the right questions, practiced desert driving, and honed my navigation skills on PlayStation!

One message you would like to give other women drivers.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. There is no age limit to learning.  Rally Jameel is one of its kind experience that anyone with the right temperament, basic automobile knowledge, and navigation skills can partake. I am a homemaker, and my teammate Atefa is a busy Engineer. If we did it, so can you.

To know more about Rally Jameel, visit their Instagram @rallyjameel and their website at www.rallyjameel.com.


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