Riyadh Global Medical BioTechnology Summit 2021

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On September 14-16, 2021, Riyadh Global Medical Biotechnology Summit 2021 (RGMBS 2021), organized by King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) at the National Guard Ministry, brought together pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry experts, health research funders, government representatives, R&D experts, and administrators. The summit was held under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and inaugurated by HRH Prince Abdullah bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Minister of National Guard with the presence of the former Saudi Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfig Al-Rabiah.

The summit covered nine sessions with extensive and insightful presentations, followed by panel discussions on how to maximize research in medical biotechnology in the digital medicine era and how to benefit from clinical trials; development and production of vaccines; stem cell biotechnology; genomics, genetics, gene editing, and bioinformatics.

During the opening ceremony, in his remarks on the importance of biotechnology, Dr. Al-Rabiah emphasized that: “One of the most important applications of biotechnology is the production of insulin for human being.” Reflecting on the market value, Dr. Al-Rabiah continued: “The global market value of biotechnology is expected to reach more than $700 billion by 2025, and global sales in biotechnology drugs are expected to reach $351 billion.”

The keynote presentation “Developing a COVID-19 vaccine for the world at an unprecedented pace,” was made by Sir Menelas N. Pangalos, Executive Vice President & President BioPharmaceutical R&D, AstraZeneca. While presenting the progress of the vaccine, Sir Pangalos mentioned that AstraZeneca has worked to respond to the government, healthcare systems, and patient needs during COVID-19 crisis. As a result, AZD7442 was developed for the world and delivered in 18 months at no profit during the pandemic.

During the panel discussions, the emphasis was on biotechnology development in the Kingdom, taking into consideration the international experience and how biotechnology research can work within Saudi community. Panelists highlighted that Saudi Arabia is well positioned to become a leader in emerging market as it has invested in research and innovation. 

Closing remarks of the summit were delivered by Prof. Ahmed Alaskar Executive Director of KAIMRC who underlined the richness of the three-day summit: “We must move forward to turn this science into tangible products that will affect not only the health of people and society, but also the global economy. In Saudi Arabia, science as an alternative to oil can contribute to the economy and become part of Vision 2030.” 

Photo credit: Riyadh Global Medical BioTechnology Summit 2021


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