Pay It Forward: A Cycle of Kindness

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“Because it proves that you don’t need much to change the entire world for the better. You can start with the most ordinary ingredients. You can start with the world you’ve got. – Catherine Ryan Hyde

Who can ever imagine that a novel published in 1999 would spark a movement that will affect lives worldwide? Such is the book written by Catherine Ryan Hyde titled “Pay It Forward.” Catherine got the inspiration of the novel when she was driving home late at night in a dangerous neighborhood. Her engine broke down and the vehicle started to emit smoke which prompted her to go out of her car. Out of nowhere, two strangers suddenly came to rescue her; and afterwards, the fire department arrived quickly, and everything just turned into a whirlwind of activities. When she turned around to thank the two strangers who not only saved her life but risked their own while doing so, she realized that they were gone. Because of that, it got her into thinking that she had to find a way to “pay the favor back”. It was then that she started to always look for someone in need of help when driving and before she knew it, the “Pay It Forward” concept was born. The novel, which was later adapted into a movie, became a success and the concept became a movement everywhere.

Pay It Forward is a social initiative with the concept of a person doing a kind deed to someone and the beneficiary has to do another kind deed to someone else to ensure the continuity of impact and to have a wider reach. It might sound like a simple concept but it’s actually a mindset and a habit to always be proactive, helpful, and not belittle any act you do.

The Pay It Forward movement came to life in Saudi Arabia when Basma Altwejri founded it in March, 2016. She started the initiative to provide each person with the needed ideas and resources to implement it in the way that suits them independently. The group has already made steps in making their cause known. 

Pay It Forward cards were made available to the public to make it easier for people to explain and apply the concept. These can be found and printed from their website in Arabic and English. The website also includes several deed ideas and a guide to apply it in schools, workplaces, and even creative corporate social responsibility projects.

They activated their first project virtually. It was a campaign called “A Month of Giving” wherein their team and their followers applied a simple good deed and then shared it in their social media using the hashtag #PayitForwardSA.

To gain higher exposure and reach different segments, they also did various activities that included visiting schools, events participation, and products development.

The group also organized few events to show people the applicability of the idea. These included an art gallery called “Craft it Forward – the Art of Giving” and a speakers-led event called “Speak it Forward”. They also collaborated with local cafes to implement “Suspended Coffee” which is a prepaid coffee or beverage that a customer purchases for the person behind them. And for their love of coffee and the arts, they extended their coffee-related projects by hosting a competition called “Doodle for a Cause” for artists in which they can participate in through drawing about a social cause that they’re passionate about in any coffee cup. The three winners had their own art gallery as a prize.

About two months ago, Basma released her book, From Society for Society, to share the lessons she gained through leading Pay It Forward. She also interviewed 16 social pioneers and advocates who contributed to different causes to inspire and enable readers to make a positive difference in their community. She is planning to organize workshops once it’s permissible to share the knowledge she gained on both the initiative and writing the book.

Basma and her team are encouraging everyone to join the Pay It Forward movement. With what’s going on in the world right now, even the simplest act can make a big impact. Be a part of this cycle of kindness and join in changing the world one good deed at a time.




Social Media: @PayForwardSA


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