Kimberly Rebecca Harmon: Finance Manager, Mother, Amateur Photographer, and Artist

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Over 10,000 residents call the DQ home. Meet Your Neighbor profiles interesting people in our international DQ Community. Learn about the diverse experience, interests, and backgrounds of DQ dwellers. Read on, and Meet Your Neighbor.

Where are you from?

I am from Greenville, SC in Southeastern USA, but have lived all over the US for school and work.

Can you tell us more about your hobbies?

Photography is my passion, or maybe more of an obsession. I love documenting our adventures with my children. Sharing my photos helps me stay connected with my family in the US and my friends around the world.

Other than that, my kids are my main hobby for now. Whatever they are interested in is what I do. I have found my background in visual arts to be super useful with children, especially during craft time.

What brought you to Riyadh?

I have been in KSA for just over a year. I wanted to move here a couple of years ago, but was finally offered a job opportunity last year. I had heard about the changes and had friends here that said it was a great country for a family with small children because of the expat community. They were right!

What changes have you experienced in Riyadh since you first came here?

In just one year, I have witnessed the opening of 2 movie theatres, women driving, a Russian Circus on Ice and other entertainment groups performing in the country for the first time. The national day Cirque Du Soleil was phenomenal. It seems like every day brings exciting new changes.

What were your first impressions of the DQ?

I’ve lived in the DQ from late 2017. At first, I was amazed by how big the sidewalks were! I was also surprised by the grass and parks, like Al Yamama Park and Embassy Park. My kids and I love the different options inside the DQ. Now, we have an IHOP, 2 Starbucks coffee shops, and more restaurants opening.

What do you like most about the DQ?

I love how easy it is. I enjoy the diversity – there are Saudis and foreigners living side by side. We all chat and have tea at the park. I like watching the younger Saudis come to the new places in the DQ. It has a growing sense of community that I look forward to being a part of.

What is something you wish the DQ had, but currently doesn’t?

So many things. My top wishes are grocery store, movie theatre, and local market on the weekends. I would like to see better lighting in the parks so we could enjoy them more.

Where are your favorite places to visit in Riyadh?

We love Najd Village with guests. Kiddzdom and Chuck E. Cheese are two of my favorite spots for a day with the kids. If I am taking my daughter out, we love the Little Princess for a special girls outing. We enjoy Rock Park, and Landmarks Park is a nice place to play at for a few hours. We also enjoy visiting friends in other compounds.

Any recommendations for your DQ neighbors?

My main tip is to get outside! There is so much to do in Riyadh all the time. I have trouble deciding what to do on the weekends. Also, like the Facebook pages of Blue Abaya, The Pink Tarha, A Supertired Mom, and Green Tea Riyadh. They will definitely keep you informed about local events. The only reason to be bored in Riyadh is if you are not willing to go to new places, try new things, or meet people. Everyone is very open and warm here. I would recommend that they walk around the DQ in the evenings.


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