Interview with H.E. Jean-Philippe Linteau

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Canadian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

The leaders of Saudi Arabia and Canada found common ground in reconciling ties and deepening cooperation. Can you discuss the achievements of the past and the challenges you hope to face during your service?

Full restoration of diplomatic relations was achieved in May 2023. The result that set the tone for this relationship was the warm and substantive interaction between our leaders. Thus, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had two phone calls in October 2023 and January 2024. There were also several high-level bilateral visits, including the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Faisal bin Farhan, to Ottawa as part of the trip of the ministerial delegation after the extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In addition, Saudi Minister of Energy, His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz, attended the World Petroleum Congress (WPC) in Calgary, and the Saudi Minister of Education, His Excellency Yousef Al-Benyan, was in Ontario to promote mutually beneficial partnerships between educational institutions in Canada and Saudi Arabia.

More recently, the Embassy of Canada and the Saudi Ministry of Education convened a successful Education Partnership Forum, with over 70 Canadian and 100 Saudi participants from over 100 institutions – this will lead to many concrete outcomes in terms of deeper linkages at the institutional level. Last but not least, culture and entertainment is an exciting new area of interaction. In May, fourteen Canadian companies from the creative industries visited Riyadh as part of a trade delegation to explore opportunities in this emerging sector.

In 2022, Saudi Arabia was Canada’s most important bilateral trading partner in the MENA region. What products are currently of interest in bilateral trade, and where do you see room to grow?

As oil continues to drive the economy, the Saudi government is looking for ways to use this asset more sustainably and securely, such as reducing emissions or using less water, in other words, bringing innovation and business opportunities to the forefront. It is important to note that Canada is currently transforming its economy to an electrified one. And this experience could be a valuable start or support for the transition of the Saudi energy system. As a result, high-level events such as the Future Minerals Forum and the Future Investment Initiative attract hundreds of Canadian entrepreneurs. A number of Canadian companies visited Riyadh on trade missions and gained a first-hand look at what is happening in the Kingdom. They discovered a country that offers enormous opportunities for cooperation in both traditional and new sectors, from culture and tourism to clean technology and food security.

I would also like to highlight that Canada has a long-standing relationship with the Saudi healthcare system, with over five thousand Saudis educated or trained in Canada. This background provides another opportunity for future collaboration, as more and more companies from Canada arrive to explore the Saudi market.

Another area that offers significant potential for cooperation is the education system. Traditionally, thousands of Saudi students travel to Canada for higher education and professional development. However, I believe we need to change things up a bit by bringing our educational institutions together to cooperate, and partner with each other, and take education to the next level within Vision 2030 and the Canadian experience.

Saudi Arabia and Canada are members of the G20, which accounts for 80% of the global GDP and 60% of the world’s population. In addition to these impressive numbers, what do you think each member state brings to the G20 and its mission?

Over the past three years, Saudi Arabia has demonstrated that it can be a leader and convener within the G20 and beyond, as evidenced by a number of UN meetings initiated or facilitated by Saudi Arabia. Thus, Saudi Arabia positions itself as a country that strives for peace and stability to ensure prosperity, both locally and internationally. This pattern is also reflected in Canada’s foreign policy practices.

We see that Saudi Arabia is playing and active and constructive role in supporting conflict resolution, including in Sudan, Yemen, Gaza and Ukraine, with the ultimate goal of establishing peace and international stability. Accordingly, we look forward to working together to address these and broader global challenges, such as food insecurity, peace or climate change, and other issues that face the agenda of the G20.

Beyond the local and regional impact of Saudi Vision 2030, why do you think this endeavor is important for global politics and international society?

Looking at the Saudi Vision 2030, one can see that it is about promoting economic diversification, the modernization of governance, transparent policies, and a vibrant, open and inclusive society. These are the concepts that Canada has championed and advocated for many years. Through this approach, Saudi Arabia strengthens its position as a leading country seeking solutions by which to cooperate with the global community and become part of a modern society through transparency and openness to new ideas. Saudi Arabia has long been a leader of the Arab and Muslim world, given the Custodianship of the Two Holy Mosques by His Royal Highness King Salman Al Saud, as is increasing emerging as a leader of the Global South, while also increasing cooperation with countries like Canada. We [Canadians] are proud to be part of realizing Vision 2030 and strengthening bilateral ties between Canada and Saudi Arabia.

How has your experience in the Diplomatic Quarter been thus far?

I can unequivocally state that the masterminds behind the Diplomatic Quarter were visionaries in creating an enclave of greenery in the heart of a rapidly growing and transforming Riyadh. The Diplomatic Quarter is green and does not have the same traffic issues as Riyadh in general. I enjoy the parks in the area; they are phenomenal. Another thing I like is the sense of community, which is why people living outside the Diplomatic Quarter love to come and enjoy this stunning ambiance and harmony.


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