German, Hungarian Embassies Host Music MasterClass

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Suha Takriti

On May 9, 2022, the German Embassy, together with the Hungarian Embassy, hosted a classical music masterclass led by Maestro Gergely Bogányi, world-famous Hungarian pianist, composer and inventor.

The event was organized by the joint efforts of the Hungarian and the German Embassies with the generous support of the Music Commission of Saudi Arabia. 

This masterclass is one of the major events held within the framework of the “Europe Month” series for 2022 to celebrate the European Union and the cooperation between Europe and Saudi Arabia.

H.E. German Ambassador Dieter Lamlé and H.E. Hungarian Ambassador Balázs Selmeci opened the event. They introduced the world-famous Hungarian artist to promote European classical musician’s work and enjoy the taste of classical piano live performance.

Piano students attended the event alongside classical music admirers to enjoy a night filled with music, artistic discussions, and cultural interaction. The audience enjoyed a live piano performance by the Maestro Gergely Bogányi, followed by a master class for the local piano students. 

Maestro Gergely Bogányi is not just a leading Hungarian concert pianist of his time; he is also renowned worldwide as one of the finest performers of Liszt and Chopin. He is one of the most innovative classical music artists in Central Europe, with most of the classical piano works in his repertoire.


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