Fashion Event Empowers Women

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Fashion Empowerment, an event by blogger and event planner Irina Ayman, held last month at the Recherché Fashion Gallery in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia brought together fashionistas, bloggers, and entrepreneurs along with prominent and active expats – women in the Kingdom who excel in their own fields.

A discussion panel was held during the event wherein different topics were discussed including the life of women in the country, opportunities for both Saudi and expat women in KSA, fashion in the Kingdom and women empowerment.

The speakers were active women of Riyadh including professional stylist and blogger, Hanan Algahuri; famous talented designer, Rasha Bilal; prominent journalist and founder of Saudi Women Stories, Sheikha Aldosary; and Irina. They shared their inspiring stories and experiences of finding opportunities in Saudi Arabia, breaking negative stereotypes, and overcoming challenges in their own ways.

Fashion Empowerment was among the first events that supported women during the wave of changes and developments presented in the country. With this event, women were united in their common aim to grow together and inspire others.

Irina welcomes all women to join this goal, to find new opportunities, and to get support and receive media, marketing and PR services for their projects and businesses. May this event encourage women to believe in themselves and persevere for the change and goals they want to achieve.


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