European Union Celebrates Europe Day: An Ode to Peace, Friendship, and Joy

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Presented by the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950, the Schuman Declaration proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community, whose founding members France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg became the first of a series of supranational organizations, that would eventually become today’s European Union (EU). Since then, the EU member states and their embassies around the world have celebrated May 9th as a mark of peace and unity in Europe. Following this great tradition, the EU Embassy celebrated Europe Day in the EU Residency at the Diplomatic Quarter.

The EU Ambassador to Saudi Arabia H.E. Christophe Farnaud in his remarkable speech emphasized the importance of peace as a much-needed manifestation in the modern world. “Remembering the Schumann Declaration, an ambitious plan to bring long-term peace to post-war Europe was the beginning of the European Union. The 27 members of the European Union share a clear vision of promoting peace, stability, and prosperity within and beyond our borders. In today’s world, as war spreads across the regions, this ambition is needed more than ever. Yet, we need partners. No country, no power can face these challenges alone. Against this backdrop the GCC countries as an organization and as individual countries are strategic partners to Europe with whom a new dynamic has been launched.”

H.E. Farnaud further stated these dynamics are particularly reflected in the EU-Saudi Arabia relationship, going through spectacular transformations in all possible fields, including the EU-KSA Investment Forum in Riyadh, high-level state visits, five-year visas for Saudis, and the establishment of the European Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia, among other achievements. Ambassador Farnaud emphasized that these achievements serve not only bilateral diplomacy but also the greater good of regional and global communities.

H.E. Christophe Farnaud concluded his speech with the announcement of Europe Month in Saudi Arabia rich with events and intercultural communication and exchange.


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