Cristina Lopez Ortiz: Head of Cultural Affairs at Alliance Française

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Over 10,000 residents call the DQ home. Meet Your Neighbor profiles interesting people in our international DQ Community. Learn about the diverse experience, interests, and backgrounds of DQ dwellers. Read on, and Meet Your Neighbor.

Tell us about yourself.

Born in a small Spanish island called Mallorca, and educated in the French scholar system, I consider myself as a good example of cultural diversity. I am very active, I like challenges, and I am not afraid to go out of my comfort zone as long as I can stick to my values.

How would family and friends describe you?

My family and friends usually describe me as resilient, creative, and organized.

Who has been the strongest influence in your life?

My mother has been the strongest influence in my life. Since an early age, she played a major role in my education, following up my grades and helping me to improve. And also my dad who gave a lot of his time to stand by my side and support all my dreams. I am grateful for all the years they dedicated to me.

What brought you to Riyadh?

Well, it’s a long story but if I had to say one word I would say — destiny. It was last year when I came to visit as a tourist and I knew I wanted to live here. During this trip, I saw the job offer for my current position and my first thought was “Oh, this is me”. So while I was going back to France and getting back to work, I received an email to start the interviews. It took less than a month to know that I needed to pack all my things, leave my home and my work to follow my dreams.

What led you to your career and how has Saudi Arabia helped you in your career goals?

Since very young, I have been very attached to the French culture and lifestyle. On the other hand, I always liked events management, but I needed to improve my skills. I decided to work in the banking sector to learn how to be more organized and efficient, while I was working for a Swiss company specialized in watches and jewellery craftsmanship for luxury brands. The opportunity to attend big fairs and participate helped me to develop my event management skills; while the bank helped me with being disciplined and efficient. After these experiences, I felt ready to step into a new chapter and dedicate all my time to the cultural events management. Saudi Arabia gave me the opportunity to find this position and to improve many of the required skills related to this specific field.

What are your thoughts and insights on being a resident of Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is one of the most beautiful countries I have lived in. I’ll say it’s a unique country. It has a diversity of landscapes and culture that combine tradition and modernity. As a resident, I never get bored. Every week I discover new places and I learn new things. I would like to add that the Saudis have been very kind and welcoming and they showed me the true sense of hospitality.

What were your first impressions of the DQ?

In the beginning I thought it was a small neighborhood, but I quickly discover that it has a lot of parks and activities to do.

What do you like most about the DQ?

The green areas, it’s lovely to have a walk after a long day.

Any tips/advice for DQ neighbors?

A walk in Tuwaiq Park after a long day or the weekend brunch at Parker’s.

What are you looking forward to in the coming season?

This season has been amazing, full of different fun activities. However, I would like to see more activities related to the Najdi culture in the next season.


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