Your common questions on traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic answered by Dr. Gracia Hamadeh, Family Physician at the Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Center – Diplomatic Quarter.
How can you avoid dehydration when you are travelling?
▪ Make sure you drink a glass of water for every hour of flight time.
▪ Avoid sugary drinks and snacks.
▪ Eat water-rich food products like vegetables, fruits, chia seeds in pudding.
▪ Drink caffeinated beverages in moderation.
▪ Avoid alcohol during flight time.
What should your first aid kit include if you are travelling?
Bandage for minor cuts, safety pins to fasten splints and bandages, antiseptic wipes to disinfect wounds or clean hands, and medications to prevent various travel related illnesses. It is highly advised you consult with your family doctor to equip you with the needed kit.
What steps should I take to protect myself from Covid-19 virus while traveling and using different transportation means?
Even if you are fully vaccinated, follow the steps below to decrease the risk of exposure:
▪ Wear a 3-layer medical mask.
▪ Wash hands frequently with soap and water or 70% alcohol-based sanitizer.
▪ Keep your physical distance, 1-meter apart from another person and avoid crowded or poorly ventilated places.
▪ Follow COVID-19 travel policies and rules required by transport operators and travel hubs.
When can I travel after being infected with coronavirus?
If you test positive for COVID-19, you must isolate yourself for 10 days from the start of symptoms. You can end your isolation and travel after you complete 10 days of isolation, complete fever-free 24-hour duration, and obtain a negative PCR test as per local authorities where you reside.
If you have a weak immune system, you must contact the nearest medical facility to assess extension of 10-day isolation and symptom improvement if present (shortness of breath, fever, cough).
How soon can I travel after completing my covid-19 vaccination?
You are permitted to travel once you are fully vaccinated after 2 weeks. For instance, you must complete 2 weeks after the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines, or after the single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
What are common side effects of Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant ladies?
The American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology recommends all pregnant ladies to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. These vaccines have different side effects. Side effects also vary from person to person. Fever is one common side effect that can be treated with over-the-counter paracetamol. If it persists beyond 48 hours, the pregnant lady must contact her gynecologist.
Is it safe for pregnant ladies to travel?
A gynecologist needs to document that the lady is pregnant up to 36 weeks to be able to fly. Safety measures during COVID-19 pandemic apply.