Beat the Heat with Cool Saudi Traditions

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Coping with the intense heat in Saudi Arabia requires a combination of strategic planning, lifestyle adjustments, and adapting practices to stay cool and hydrated. DQ Living recommends combining cultural ways with practical tips to beat the heat every summer in Riyadh.

Experiencing Riyadh’s summer for the first time can be a shocker, the kind that leaves you breathless and searching for shade while your eyes moist from trying to look through the blazing sun. Growing up here, I’ve seen the summers get progressively hotter. Before, temperatures soared above 45 degrees Celsius, we used to compare noon strolls to being blasted by a giant hair dryer. 

Dressing Traditionally, and Appropriately

You might think Saudis wear traditional clothing primarily for cultural or modesty reasons, but these outfits are incredibly practical for beating the desert heat. Light, loose-fitting clothes like abayas and dresses for women and thobes for men are lifesavers, naturally designed to keep you cool and protect your skin from the scorching sun. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin or a fair complexion.

When expats first arrive in Riyadh, they sometimes hesitate to try on traditional Saudi clothes, thinking it might come off as cultural appropriation. I’ve had conversations with newly arrived expats who felt this way. However, embracing Bedouin culture through your attire is not just about modesty—it’s highly practical and shows respect. Saudis have perfected ways to deal with the desert heat, and their traditional outfits are spot on for staying cool. One major element is head coverings for both men and women. Men rock the shemagh with the ghutra, while women wear scarves or let their hair down to stay cool and protected.

Traditional clothing plays a significant role in staying cool. Saudi fashion designers, especially those showcased in the 100 Saudi Brands initiative, blend these traditional elements with modern fashion, creating collections that are both stylish and practical. Be sure to explore what they have in store this summer.

Going Out, Only If You Must

The sun is fierce here, so avoid the blazing midday sun if you must go out during the day. Riyadh’s nightlife, on the other—cooler—hand, is vibrant; events, trips, and weddings often start around 9 PM and can go on until dawn. So, night owls, this city is made for you!

If you enjoy outdoor activities like running or hiking, it’s best to do so in the early morning or late evening. Need a break from malls and cafes? Head to the Diplomatic Quarter, Wadi Namar, Al Kharrarah, Heet Cave, Al She’ba Park, or Al Bujairi Park. These gems—and many others both within and just outside Riyadh—boast lush landscapes, scenic walking trails, and vibrant wildlife. Plan your visits and tick off these incredible spots from your summer to-do list with family or fellow expats!

Optimizing Indoor Environments

If you’re new to Saudi, the look and designs of houses and buildings might surprise you. But these architecture and style are also designs that help people cope with intense heat. Take for example the traditional homes in Jeddah where they have badgir (wind towers) that capture and direct wind into the house, providing natural ventilation. Buildings are constructed with thick walls and small windows to minimize heat absorption and keep interiors cool. Many homes have central courtyards that provide shaded, cooler areas and facilitate airflow.

Staying home is one way to cope with this weather but what if the heat feels overwhelming, and you don’t want to feel cooped up, relying on the AC all day? Gather with family and friends and sip on traditional summer drinks like Jallab and Tamarind juice – or it could be mojitos and fresh beverages if you prefer – while enjoying the cool comfort of your home. To keep that indoor vibe enjoyable, consider balancing your AC usage. Using fans alongside your air conditioning can help circulate cool air more effectively while closing curtains or blinds during the day helps block out the heat. Remember, overusing ACs doesn’t just increase your bills—it makes our city hotter in the long run. Let’s be mindful and think about our future.

The same goes for your car—stepping inside can feel like entering a furnace! Before you blast the AC, take a moment to air it out. Parking in the shade can make a world of difference in keeping your ride cool. And let’s not forget our furry friends; they feel the heat just like we do. Be sure to keep your pets indoors during the hottest parts of the day and make sure they have plenty of water.

I must confess—I’m more of a winter person, and the summer heat can be quite a challenge. But with these insights, I’ve learned to embrace the season. Traditional practices reflect the resourcefulness and adaptability of Saudi Arabian culture in dealing with the harsh climatic conditions. By integrating modern conveniences with these age-old methods, people in Saudi Arabia continue to effectively manage the heat. 

So stay cool, keep hydrated, and soak up the unique vibe of this incredible city. Remember, a new season is just around the corner, so make the most of this one!


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