203rd Anniversary of Greece Independence Day

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On the historic occasion of the 203rd anniversary of the Greek Revolution, Ambassador Alexis Konstantopoulos and Mrs. Konstantopoulos hosted a reception to celebrate Greece and its eminent ties with Saudi Arabia, stretching over the centuries.

H.E. Konstantopoulos highlighted that over the past four years, Saudi-Greek relations have become strategic, covering several different sectors, including political, military, economic, and cultural cooperation, technology, innovation, defense and investments. “Since the visit of HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Athens in 2022 and the establishment of the Joint Strategic Council, Greek and Saudi ministries have been working together at different levels to identify plan and implement joint projects.”

H.E. Alexis Konstantopoulos continued, “People-to-people relations, as well as culture and tourism are also important bilateral link. More and more Saudis visit Greece every year, doubling the number of visas that we grant. Greece strongly advocated for the extension of Schengen visas validity to five years for Saudi citizens.”  He concluded his speech, stating, “We [the Embassy team]are proud to serve to our country [Greece] in such a remarkable country as Saudi Arabia.”


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